Wakfu Wiki
Deusa sacrier

The goddess sacrier

Sacrier are humanoids with orange hair, pointed ears. Males are noseless and have no sclera while females have a more human-like face. There's no use trying to beat a Sacrier disciple into submission - they like it too much! Nobody takes the motto ‘no pain, no gain’ more seriously than these warriors. Happy to haunt the front lines, ready to draw first blood, they’re the perfect allies for those long, relentless battles.

In fact, these berserkers only become more powerful with each blow from their enemy! You'll find these strange creatures right where the fighting rages and the blood flows... and this is the warrior comrade that just keeps giving and giving in those long, tiring battles.

Like all tough soldiers, they know how to enjoy themselves too, so if you can't find your finest warrior companion on the battlefield, have a look in the local tavern! Their weapon of choice is the sword.

Class spells[]

The class spells available to Sacrier disciples are (Common Spells not included):

Element Level Icon Spell Name Cost Effect
Element FireLarge
0 Spell Sac Blood Rush Blood Rush 3Action point Element FireSmall Damage: 3 - 93

Icon Caster Flame Return: Element FireSmall 1 - 25

3 Spell Sac Bloodthirsty Fury Bloodthirsty Fury 2Action point

Element FireSmall Damage: 10% of current HP of caster.
Increases target's next spell damage by 25%

9 Spell Sac Burning Blood Burning Blood 4Action point Element FireSmall Damage: 4 - 92 Area Ring

 Consumes 25% of the user's Armor to inflict that amount of Element FireSmall Damage Area Ring

Icon Caster Flame Return: Element FireSmall 1 - 33

15 Spell Sac Cage of Blood Cage of Blood 4Action point Element FireSmall Damage: 4 - 100

Steals 100% of damage inflicted
-3 MP

21 Spell Sac Punishment Punishment 6Action point
1Wakfu point
Element FireSmall Damage: 5 - 135

Damage is doubled if Angrrr is 100
Icon Caster: Flame Return: Element FireSmall 2 - 50
Cost reduced by 1Action point per placement spell used during the same turn

Level Icon Spell Name Type Effect
Element AirLarge
0 Spell Sac Rejectattoo Rejectattoo 3Action point Damage, Push

Icon Caster: Transcendence+4

7 Sacrier Spell Motion Sickness Motion Sickness 1Action point Damage, Motion Sick5(75)

Icon Caster: Transcendence+2

13 Spell Sac Assault Assault 3Action point Damage, Swaps places and turns towards caster

Icon Caster: Transcendence+6

19 Spell Sac Spiritual Tempest Spiritual Tempest 4Action point Cast on Icon Enemy: Damage, consumes Motion Sick for AoE Damage

 Cast on Icon Caster or Icon Ally: Consumes Transcendence for AoE Damage
, pushs if Transcendence>lv.75
25 Spell Sac Light Speed Light Speed 2(7)Action point
1Wakfu point
Circle AoE
: Damage, Teleport
Icon Caster: +Dodge
Level Icon Spell Name Type Effect
Element EarthLarge
0 Spell Sac Rocky Foot Rocky Foot 3 Action point Damage, -Dodge
Icon Caster: Coagulation15-37
Icon Caster: Transcendence+6
5 Spell Sac Sacriers Fist Sacrier's Fist 2Action point Damage
Icon Caster: Coagulation10-25, +Lock
Icon Caster: Transcendence+4
11 Spell Sac Insanity Insanity 4Action point Cross AoE
: Damage
Icon Caster: +Lock, Coagulation20-50, Transcendence+8
17 Spell Sac Colonnades Colonnades 5Action point If cast on Icon Caster or Icon Ally:
Consumes Transcendence for Armor per Transcendence Lvl
Otherwise: Damage Area Circlering

Icon Caster: Coagulation25-62, Transcendence+10
23 Spell Sac Smash Smash 6Action point
1Movement point

Icon Caster: Coagulation30-75, Transcendence14

Level Icon Spell Name Cost Description
Element SupportLarge
Support Actives
0 Spell Sac Attraction Attraction 2Movement point Pull, Transcendence
File:State Transcendence.png


Lvl. +4

This state stacks

0-20%+Final Damage
15 Spell Sac Sacrifice Sacrifice 2Action point
1Wakfu point
Take damage for ally and swap places, Transcendence+2 per swap
30 Spell Sac Transposition Transposition 3Action point Swap Places with Ally or Enemy
Icon Caster: +Dodge, Transcendence
File:State Transcendence.png


Lvl. +6

This state stacks

0-20%+Final Damage
45 Spell Sac Sanguine Armor Sanguine Armor 1Wakfu point Transfers HP to ally and gives armor, when cast on self it doubles Coagulation level and gives Lock
60 Spell Sac Solid as a Rock Solid as a Rock 1Wakfu point Stablizes, +30% Resistance to MP loss, +Lock
Level Icon Spell Name Description
Element SupportLarge
Support Passives
0 Spell Sac Strong Blood Strong Blood Regain WP by starting turns with less than 50% HP, locking, dodging, using movement spells, starting and ending turns with enemies in close combat
10/110 Spell Sac Angrrr Angrrr +Damage inflicted% based on Angrr, Multi-Arm unlocked
20/120 Spell Sac Tattooed Blood Tattooed Blood +Max HP%, +Block%, -Range
30/130 Spell Sac Transcendence Transcendence Increasees Transcendence gains
40/140 Spell Sac Mobility Mobility -Elemental Resist, +MP, +Range, at level 2 Transposition cost 2 AP
50/150 Spell Sac Blood Pact Blood Pact +Max HP% per ally, +Coagulation gains, +Block%, -Range
60/160 Spell Sac Motion Sickness Passive Motion Sickness Element AirSmall Damage inflicts more damage to Stablized enemies, increases Motion Sick lvl from Motion Sickness (Spell), +Distance Mastery
70/170 Spell Sac Carrier Carrier Decreases Coagulation gains, +Range, Element AirSmall spells no longer damage or apply Motion Sick to allies, at level 2 Rejectattoo can push in different directions and Assault no longer requires Line of Sight
80/180 Spell Sac Berserk Berserk Increases Flaming gains from Element FireSmall spells, +Berserk Mastery, +Lock based on Angrr
90/190 Spell Sac Smasher Smasher Decreases Coagulation gains, +Damage inflicted% on Element EarthSmall spells
100/200 Spell Sac Clinging to Life Clinging to Life Applies Impending Death when KOed

Other features[]

  • Archetype: Berserker
  • Unique features: Angrrr
  • Strike Power: Good at first, but builds up to devastating levels when hit.
  • Team play: Good. Taking blows for the team, moving both allies and enemies.
  • Combat position: Front lines. Taking damage, and dealing damage.
  • Good targets: Slow moving mid-ranged attackers.
  • Bad targets: Fast moving ranged targets.

Spell-branch features[]

  • Air: Support branch. Helps team position better and deals great damage to single targets (Motion Sick > Assault x3). Light speed can deal a decent amount of damage to multiple targets as well.
  • Earth: Tanking branch. Generally lowest damage output with very situational AOE attacks, but has coagulation and Smasher which can make up for it. (Works well with sacrifice if there's enough AP to coagulate afterwards)
  • Fire: Damage dealing branch. Massive damage to both single targets and enemies in melee (locking) distance, however deals self-damage and will reduce frontline endurance.
  • Support: Position manipulation, protection for allies, and damage bonuses (Angrr/Moribund)


The Sacrier class of Wakfu originated from the first Ankama title Dofus, in which they were a zombie-esque character that gained strength the more they got hit.

Preview spells[]

Ankama previewed a small selection of spells during the initial design period of Wakfu. Though examples of the desired shape of the class, most of these spells didn't make it through to the current version without some alterations, if not being dropped all together.

Icon Name Element Short description
Preview Attraction Attraction ?? This spell enables Sacriers to attract a character to them, either ally or an enemy
Preview SelfSacrifice Self-Sacrifice ?? This spell enables Sacriers to sacrifice part of their life to inflict damage to all of the enemies around them.
Preview Domination Domination ?? This spell enables Sacriers to immobilize an enemy thanks to their tattoo, but it also blocks their own movements. Their enemy can still attack and cast spells
Preview Cooperation Cooperation ?? This spell enables Sacrier to switch places with that of an enemy


  • The Sacrier class's full name is "Sacrier's Blood"
  • Players often shorten "Sacrier" to "Sac" when referring to the class.
  • The Sacrier's name comes from a combination of sacrifice + crier.

Image Gallery[]

Sac pose

Sacrier in-game models

Sacrier Concept

Wakfu concept art for Sacrier class.

Sacrier DofusMale

Original Sacrier from Dofus

External links[]

All playable classes:
CraClassSymbol EcaflipClassSymbol EniripsaClassSymbol EnutrofClassSymbol FecaClassSymbol FoggernautClassSymbol IopClassSymbol HuppermageClassSymbol MasqClassSymbol
OsamodasClassSymbolPandawaClassSymbolRogueClassSymbol SacrierClassSymbolSadidaClassSymbol SramClassSymbol XelorClassSymbol EliotropeClassSymbol

